
Create a new html file with the following content:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
            html {height: 100%}
            body {height: 100%}
        <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@ustutt/grapheditor-webcomponent@latest/_bundles/grapheditor-webcomponent.js"></script>
        <template id="graph-template">
                    svg {width:100%; height: 100%}
        <network-graph classes="red blue" mode="layout" zoom="both" svg-template="#graph-template"></network-graph>

            var graph = document.querySelector('network-graph');

Alternatively use the example.html file.

Adding nodes

Add two nodes to the graph:

    id: 1,
    title: 'RED',
    type: 'red',
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
}, true);

    id: 2,
    title: 'BLUE',
    type: 'blue',
    x: 100,
    y: 0,
}, true);

Styling nodes

When first adding nodes everything is just black. To change this add the following <styles> tag to the svg.

        .node {fill: lightgray;}
        .link-handle {display: none; fill: black; opacity: 0.1; transition:opacity 0.25s ease-out;}
        .edge-group .link-handle {display: initial}
        .link-handle:hover {opacity: 0.7;}
        .hovered .link-handle {display: initial;}

Now the link handles are clearly seperated from the node. Dragging a link handle creates a new edge that can be dropped over a node.

Adding a default node template

To change the form of the node just add a default node template. A node template is added in the <svg> tag inside a <defs> tag.

    <style>/* ... */</style>
        <g id="default" data-template-type="node">
            <rect x="-20" y="-8" width="40" height="16"></rect>

To add text to the nodes add .text {fill: black;} to the styles tag and <text class="text" data-content="title" x="-18" y="5"></text> to the template. For textwrapping to work specify a width in the text element (example: width="36"). Textwrapping can be custimized with css. Try adding text-overflow: ellipsis; to the text class.